The Good Roll x Pure Africa

At The Good Roll, everything revolves around making an impact in every possible way. That’s why they drink Pure Africa coffee in The Good Roll’s office! But why them? Pure Africa invests 1 euro in microcredits for every kilo of coffee beans sold. These microcredits, with a special lower interest rate, are available to local farmers. In this way, the health of the social and economic landscape in Africa is improved with every cup of coffee.
Pure Africa believes that hard-working farmers should earn a fair price. In their eyes, this is considered normal. They ensure this with conscious quality marks and microcredits. This is how you build a fair chain in which everyone earns in proportion to the value they add.
For every kilo of coffee beans, Pure Africa invests €1 in microcredits. With these loans, they can borrow money to buy land or raw materials to grow their business. By letting them borrow, you create an environment of equality and involvement. And that is sustainable in the long term. To improve the situation even further, they have set up special arrangements for the farmers at local banks. The banks will only charge 6% interest instead of the usual 25-40% that is common there. In this way, it is much more interesting for the farmers to invest in their business.

By listening to the needs of local farmers, just like The Good Roll does by building toilets, Pure Africa invests in their local economy to create positive change. In doing so, Pure Africa is making a difference in Africa, and The Good Roll is making a difference by supporting this cause by drinking their coffee every day.
Do you also want to support Pure Africa? With the coupon code goodcoffee you get 20% of your Pure Africa order. (now available until November 30, 2021) Or do you want to read the interview that Pure Africa had with our founder Melle? Then click here !