12150 levens verbeterd - en we zijn nog lang niet klaar!
Our impact meter shows the number of toilets already built and planned. Although symbolic, it gives a clear picture of our mission and progress. Due to our positive impact on people and planet, we have received the ANBI status, which indicates that we focus at least 90% of our efforts on the common good.
Check our foundation website for more information and see how we can make the world a better place together with you!

We hebben 243 toiletten gebouwd!
In Ghana hebben we nu 243 toiletten neergezet voor scholen en gemeenschappen. Schone toiletten zijn een must voor gezondheid en veiligheid. Dankzij onze inzet hebben duizenden mensen nu een veilige, hygiënische plek, wat ziektes helpt voorkomen en hun dagelijks leven een stuk beter maakt. Maar we zijn nog niet klaar—wij blijven bouwen om nog meer levens te veranderen. Samen maken we het verschil!

The Good Roll donates 50% of net profits to The Good Roll Foundation
Every day, 2.3 billion people face a lack of safe and clean toilets. That’s one third of the world’s population! The lack of basic amenities spreads diseases, increases health risks, and most importantly, prevents children—especially girls—from going to school during their menstrual period. We want to do something about it.
Our foundation invests 50% of the profit we make from the sale of our rolls in sanitary projects. Every year we donate this half of our net profit to the construction of toilets in developing countries. This is the profit after all our costs, such as staff and office, so you know that every cent you spend really helps.

Every day 2.3 billion people face a lack of safe and clean toilets, that's one third of the world's population!
Transparency is key
We try to limit our overhead costs to a maximum of 30%. If the costs are higher, we pay the extra costs ourselves, so that all donations go entirely to our mission. This way we remain fully focused on what really matters: building toilets and improving lives in areas where these basic facilities are lacking.
We build toilets!
See here some of our projects in Ghana. Check our foundation website for a complete overview.

Doe jij mee?
Since 1990, 2.6 billion people have gained access to clean drinking water. That’s fantastic! But we’re not there yet: 1.8 billion people still get their drinking water from polluted sources. And sanitation isn’t much better—2.4 billion people still lack access to clean toilets and other sanitation. And a lot of waste still ends up in our drinking water sources.
What needs to be done?
To improve the quality of our water globally, pollution must stop and wastewater must be treated more often. SDG 6 focuses on ensuring access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitation for all by 2030. This means not only improving hygiene and health, but also establishing effective water management systems in all countries.
Your role in the change
At The Good Roll we support this mission by investing in sanitation projects and by offering a sustainable choice that contributes to solving these global challenges. With every purchase you contribute to a future in which everyone has access to clean water and safe sanitation.
ANBI Status: 8588 94 178