This is why we roll
Sit down for a moment and think about this.
We are The Good Roll, makers of 100% European recycled and bamboo toilet paper. Our mission is simple: Safe and clean toilets for everyone! With 50% of our net profit we build toilets in Ghana.
The Good Roll was born out of a shared frustration. There are 2.3 billion people worldwide who do not have access to safe and clean toilets, one third (!) of the world's population. In addition, 27,000 trees are cut down every day for the production of paper.

Shocking figures if you ask us. So shocking that they inspired us to develop The Good Roll; an initiative with which we want to tackle both problems. A unique Dutch win-win concept: 100% tree-friendly toilet rolls, made from bamboo or European recycled paper, with which we want to give as many people as possible access to safe and clean toilets.
The Good Roll donates 50% of its net profit each year to building toilets in developing countries. This is the net profit, so the profit that remains after the costs incurred (staff, office) have been deducted.

Social Enterprise and Workplace
In addition to a truly sustainable product, we also want to make a direct social contribution. That is why we work with a social enterprise for the wrapping and packaging of part of our products. In this way, we offer work and guidance to more than 75 people!
People who work at a social enterprise have a distance to the labor market. Read more about our social workplace here .

Pantar & The Good Roll

Meet our Creative Captain and Founder Melle Schellekens!
Looking for an inspiring speaker for your event?
Are you looking for a speaker who can enrich your event with enthusiasm and profound insights? Meet our Creative Captain and Founder Melle Schellekens!
Melle Schellekens, a sought-after speaker, shares his inspiring journey in the field of sustainability, entrepreneurship and leadership. Not only the brain behind The Good Roll, but also a creative jack-of-all-trades.
Melle's story goes beyond the roles; it's about impact, creativity and the coolest changes. Whether it's sustainability, entrepreneurial challenges or leadership, Melle is ready for an interesting conversation. His talks are full of real stories, humor and above all, an infectious dose of creativity and GOOD vibes for a better world.
If your event is crying out for inspiration, let us know!
Our team
Give Sander a shout if you want some goodness
Sander de Klerk
Co-Founder & Chief Rolling Officer
Want to collab or know more about our awesome story? Give Melle a shout!
Melle Schellekens
Co-Founder & Creative Captain
Makes sure everything runs smoothly
Pien Smit
Director of Smooth Operations
The genius of E-commerce
Suzan Broertjes
Online Wizard
One pixel at a time
Suus Lemmen
Pixel Picasso
Ensures that every business rolls with us
Jasper Morsink
Sales Sorcerer
Manages your (paper) business. You can count on that
Nick van Katswaarde
Account(-on-me) Manager
Keeps your business rolling smoothly
Josje Noë
Poo-tential Client Manager
Seals the deal
Boudewijn Mintjens
The Sales Whisperer
Takes care of the difficult numbers, 1 + 1 = 3
Chelsea Halbesma
Finance Fairy
Rocks The Rolls With you!
Adne Wind
The Conversion Rockstar
Nothing is truly a problem for this professional problem-fixer
Maartje Buddenberg
Chief Hapiness Officer
I sell with passion, you win with impact.
Cas Ringelberg
Sales Moneyvestor
Rolling ideas into motion
Evelien Brantjes
Intern Project Roller
Our mission is serious, but my content isn’t!
Jordy Vredeveld
Kontent Kreator
Makes sure the logistics operation rolls at its finest
Inger Kolman
(Po)operations Manager
Closing deals with purpose and a smile!
Mark Trienen
Good Closer
Check, check, double check!
Lynn van den Eersten
Checking the (toilet) paperwork
Creatieve Stagiair – Vorm aan het geven, zowel aan designs als mijn toekomst
Tessa ter Bruggen
Junior Rolletjesdesigner
Great ideas roll like toilet paper
Loïs la Pierre
Intern Motion + Graphic Design
Rollin' deep with conversions!
Tonya Navratil
Intern Marketing Maestro
No cart left behind
Freek Bossong
Checkout Commander
Making sure the money rolls, not just the paper!
Boris Asselman
The Gold Paper Chaser
Elevating Hygiene Standards, One Roll at a Time
Geert van de Pol
Head of Hygienic Commerce
Where money and rolls make the world go round
Corne Lolkema
Guardian of the Good Roll Gold
Keeps production rolling
Emiel Bos
Operations Ass-ociate
Rolling with the retail
Frank Wanders
Retail roller
Keeps everything rolling in our (social) workplace
Desiree van Geldorp