The Good Roll x Lumen

Lumen Saves the Planet
With their own initiative Lumen Saves the Planet, Lumen Hotel & Events in Zwolle tries to get their staff and guests to think along and become aware of sustainable and Corporate Social Responsibility. The switch to toilet paper from The Good Roll fits in well with the list of existing initiatives.
These sustainable initiatives are widely applied in the organization, which consists of a four-star hotel with 125 rooms and a multifunctional event center. Hotel Manager Myriam Huis in 't Veld says: “We look very consciously at the impact the choices we make have on ecological, social and economic levels. For example, in the past we have already switched from individual toiletries to sustainable refill products from Rituals. The luxurious look and experience that guests can expect from us, but in a more sustainable guise.”
Quality and sustainability
The toilet rolls from The Good Roll also prove that quality and sustainability can go hand in hand. “To be honest, we don’t want sandpaper hanging in our hotel rooms. That’s why we naturally requested a sample to see the quality. The sustainable story combined with the easy ordering method meant that we were quickly convinced that The Good Roll was the alternative we were looking for,” says Myriam.

On the way to the most hospitable (and sustainable) place
In collaboration with Made Blue, Lumen has been tapping sustainable and local water for a number of years, which is good for 1000 times as much clean drinking water in developing countries. “When it comes to sustainability, we want to keep making concessions,” says director Chris Lindeboom. “That is why we are now also investigating whether the concept of The Good Wine could appeal to our target group.” For every bottle sold, 750 liters of clean drinking water are donated to communities in Africa. So who knows, this great new collaboration with Lumen may soon be expanded!

For other initiatives by Lumen, take a look at their own site.
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