How to Make Your Business Sustainable in 2022?

It's time again to make good resolutions. For your personal goals, but perhaps also for your company or work. Have the goals set for 2021 been achieved? And how are things going with more sustainable entrepreneurship? There are plenty of reasons to be more aware of this, such as saving energy, reducing waste and emissions, complying with regulations or financing conditions and of course contributing to a future-proof society. To help your organization on its way, we have described a number of tips & tricks with which you can make an impact in the coming year.

By purchasing The Good Roll, our customers have made an impact! See also this blog post.
Sustainable entrepreneurship starts with recognizing waste and looking for more sustainable alternatives. Small adjustments can make a big difference. For example, think of turning off lights and heating in places where they are not needed. Another tip is to prevent stealth use by removing plugs from sockets of rarely used devices and using energy-saving plugs or sockets with switches. By making more conscious choices on a regular basis, it becomes increasingly easier to see opportunities in sustainability.

Did you know that bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world and produces 35% more oxygen than trees of equal weight?
Sustainable purchasing
A low-threshold step to becoming more sustainable is to purchase sustainable products and materials. This can already be about small daily items, such as replacing toilet paper and towels with a more sustainable variant . The same applies to paper and writing materials; make administration, notes and presentations digital as much as possible and pay attention to certifications such as Der Blaue Engel, FSC, PEFC, EMAS, Cradle to Cradle and Ecolabels when purchasing paper. Also replace all disposable items this year and take into account the new regulations: disposable cups and food packaging will be banned from 2023 (unless they meet strict recycling requirements). In addition, opt for rechargeable batteries, recycled pallets, biodegradable garbage bags, etc.

50% of net profits go to building toilets in developing countries

Coffee , where for every kilo one euro is invested in microcredits to farmers in Africa

Circular and sustainable cleaning products
Dealing with waste
Every year, two mega tons of commercial waste is incinerated in the Netherlands. The best thing would of course be to minimize waste flows, for example by reducing disposable materials and reusing leftovers, but switching completely to a circular business operation is of course not a quick implementation. That is why it helps enormously to think more about the way in which your commercial waste is processed. For example, Seenons has developed an app that allows waste to be transported efficiently, reducing CO2 emissions and stimulating recycling. Contact them here for free advice.

Commercial building
A lot of energy is used in business premises, which can often be saved considerably. An obvious tip is to switch to LED lighting. We also recommend thinking about more sustainable solutions when it comes to maintenance. For example, by replacing the old central heating boiler or even investing in a heat pump. Insulating the building also helps, for example by using double glazing or green facades. Also consider using solar panels, water-saving taps and sustainable powder paint.

Business processes
Integrate the sustainable movement into your business processes. Use energy-efficient equipment and reconsider the packaging materials you need. If you have to deal with a lot of transport, choose optimal routes and electric driving. Or think about the opportunities your company can make in the social field. Don't forget to involve employees in sustainability, they may come up with suitable solutions and become motivated for change.

In our social workshops we offer tailor-made work for more than 500 people
Participate in sustainable networks
There is no need to reinvent the wheel. There are plenty of networks that focus on sustainability, circularity and corporate social responsibility. Stimulate these types of initiatives and be inspired by other companies that came before you. Join networks such as SDG Nederland , MVO Nederland , Futureproof Community and Social Enterprise NL . Often there are also initiatives focused on a specific industry. Sustainability is a collective interest, so enter into partnerships to achieve sustainability goals.

The Green Scissors helps hairdressers become more sustainable

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