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The Good Roll to Ghana

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The Good Roll naar Ghana

The run on toilet paper during the lockdown in March was the perfect moment for us to take quick action on the webshop and social media.

With our 'feel good' paper we fight deforestation and build toilets in Africa. In 2021 we want to produce toilet paper in Ghana ourselves.

The Good Roll Melle, Sander and Faisal Achmed, team captain in Ghana, roll out their plans.<br>

Sander de Klerk and Melle Schellekens, once owners of restaurants and nightclubs, are the founders of The Good Roll. De Klerk: “We try to improve the world, with 100% recycled and unbleached toilet paper that we buy in Germany. Packaging in colorful wrappers is done in social workshops, here in Weesp. We spend 50% of our net profit on the construction of toilets (latrines), together with the Simavi foundation. After Uganda and Tanzania, now also in Ghana.”

What has the corona crisis done to your business so far?
"Our large business-to-business market has completely collapsed. Restaurants and gyms closed. Then there was that panic buying from March 9 to April 1. We responded to that immediately.

We have become much more active on the webshop and social media, towards consumers. In addition to the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, we have also included the United Kingdom. Offered a budget line, thought of fun promotions. Since the lockdown, the turnover of our webshop has increased by 50%. That makes up for the loss in the other sectors a bit. The hoarding is over.”

How are you doing?
"It has become quieter. But our brand has grown rapidly. People seem to be thinking more about sustainability because of the corona crisis. That is good for our longer term. We are going to supply a large German supermarket and we have expanded our webshop to Denmark, Sweden and Finland."

You are going to build your own factory in Ghana?
"Yes, that project was already running. Recycled paper is becoming scarcer, and therefore more expensive. We were looking for another raw material. An advisor at RVO gave us the idea of ​​using a fibre-rich by-product of agriculture. We had the possibilities of our own factory in Ghana investigated, with the help of DGGF Technical Assistance.

Our raw material, which is currently still considered waste, will become an additional source of income for the farmers. The port is perfectly located for sailing to sales markets in Europe and the US. RVO has coached us excellently. They are very involved, really great. If the discussions with RVO about a DGGF start-up financing are concluded positively, the first roll can roll out of the factory at the beginning of 2021. The location and team are ready. The machine comes from China.”

Are you not experiencing any inconvenience due to corona measures?
"There has been a lockdown in Ghana for 2 weeks. But we still can't go there for the time being. The borders are closed to foreigners. We keep in touch with our local team in Ghana by phone, Skype and Zoom. The team works as healthily and safely as possible, including by using face masks and soap. As for production and transport: that continues as usual. Because toilet paper is a basic necessity."

Keep rolling with us

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