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A Toilet Paper Subscription, Why would you do that?

Good Roll producten ·
Een Toiletpapier Abonnement, Waarom zou je dat doen?

“A toilet paper subscription? It can't get any crazier!”. A small example of one of the many statements we see when we talk about our toilet paper subscriptions. But did you know that there are actually a number of advantages to having your sustainable rolls delivered to your home with a subscription? For you, your family and the environment. Don't believe us? Read our arguments below!

Save time

With a toilet paper subscription, you no longer have to worry about stocking up on toilet paper on time. The rolls are automatically sent to you every so often, at a frequency that suits you, so that you never run out! This means you no longer have to go to the supermarket, or place a last-minute order when you notice that you are almost out of toilet paper. This not only saves you time, but also stress and inconvenience at the moment when the need is greatest!

Save money

With a subscription to sustainable rolls from The Good Roll you can save money, especially if you buy our boxes of rolls in individual orders. By taking a subscription to our good rolls, you can benefit from a 10% discount on every order. Since our rolls are also twice as long compared to the average supermarket toilet roll, that's a nice bonus!

Better for the environment

Did you know that you save a lot of single-use plastic waste when you subscribe to sustainable toilet paper? At The Good Roll, we offer you two sustainable toilet roll options: recycled toilet rolls and bamboo toilet rolls. Both variants are 100% tree-friendly and are made without chlorine, dyes or fragrances. To top it all off, we deliver the rolls completely plastic-free to your front door, whereby we compensate all our CO2 emissions through the regreening projects of JustDiggit. In addition to being delivered plastic-free, they are also completely CO2 neutral! A trip to the supermarket in your car can't compete with that...

For printing our colorful wrappers, we only use ink that is called BIO or ECO ink, which is biodegradable and therefore better for the environment. Still not convinced? Don't worry: we also have our rolls available without wrappers , so there is something for everyone! By subscribing to our toilet paper, you can easily contribute to reducing the ecological impact of toilet paper.

Nice and easy

Panic! You're sitting comfortably on your porcelain throne when you suddenly realize that the last few sheets of paper have completely run out. Or... not? With our subscription, you never have to worry about your toilet paper supply. The delivery frequencies of our subscriptions seamlessly match your sweeping rhythm, so that you can continue to ensure a clean seam in peace. From large families to households with a sweet stopover, your basic needs are our basic needs. We do that with all our love. 💚

And? Have we managed to convince you a little? For more information about our subscriptions, and to find out which products you can subscribe to with us, take a look at our subscriptions page .

Not convinced yet? Read the blogs below!

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