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Concert Hall Goes Green: AFAS Live Chooses Bamboo Toilet Paper

Bamboe wc papier ·
Concertzaal gaat Groen: AFAS Live kiest voor Bamboe Toiletpapier

Hey music fans and eco-warriors, have you heard? AFAS Live, the hotspot for live entertainment in the Netherlands, is making a crazy sustainable move! Yes, you heard it right - this concert hall is switching to 100% bamboo toilet paper from none other than….. US!! The Good Roll. Who would have thought that your toilet use could make such a big difference? But hey, at AFAS Live it's not just the music that steals the show, but also our cool rolls with which every visitor contributes to a greener world!

Bamboo for the Beat

Imagine you’re at your favorite concert, you’ve just seen your favorite artist perform and you really need to pee, so you head to the toilet. But what if I told you that every time you take a break, you’re actually making a difference? Thanks to AFAS Live’s decision to use bamboo toilet paper from The Good Roll, every toilet visit becomes a small act of eco-heroism. Who said music and sustainability couldn’t go hand in hand?

Why this change? AFAS Live is determined to be climate neutral and work circularly by 2030. With over 700,000 visitors per year, they have the power to make a difference. It is not without reason that they have been proud of their golden Green Key certification since 2012. Pretty impressive if you ask us!

From Music to Environmentally Conscious

But let’s talk about why bamboo toilet paper has so many benefits for us and the world. First of all, did you know that 27,000 trees are cut down every day to produce toilet paper? That’s a lot of trees! But bamboo grows like crazy, 30 times faster than trees to be exact. It also absorbs 35% more CO2 and releases 35% more oxygen than our trusty woody friends. And the best part? Bamboo doesn’t require pesticides or fertilizers, making it a green dream for our planet.

We do our best to help local farmers and at the same time give all that bamboo a useful destination. We buy the bamboo from them at a fair price and make pulp from it in our new factory. In this way we not only ensure sustainable toilet paper, but we also build a fair relationship with farmers in Ghana.

We then send the pulp we make to Europe, where it is transformed into toilet paper. What is cool is that one container can hold three times as much pulp as the toilet paper rolls that are made from it. That saves a lot of transport hassle and is therefore much better for the environment.

Besides the environment, we also have other important goals. With half of our net profit, we build toilets in Africa. It is great to see how a small everyday thing like toilet paper can have such a big impact on the daily lives of our fellow human beings. And big shout out to AFAS Live for this immense support!

From Moshpit to Toiletpit

So, the next time you go to a concert at AFAS Live, know that every visit to the toilet makes a small difference. And who knows, maybe AFAS Live will inspire you and many others to follow suit. At AFAS Live, we don't just blast the music, we also blast the toilets! It proves once again that you can be an eco-warrior even during a concert.

Keep rolling with us

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