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Circle of Goodness Part 6: From Bamboo to Paper

Bamboe wc papier | Duurzaamheid ·
Circle of Goodness Part 6: Van Bamboe naar Papier

Ever wondered why bamboo is so special in our quest to produce sustainable toilet paper? It’s not just about its fast growth or eco-friendly properties; we’re truly trying to transform the world of paper. Traditional paper mills use a lot of trees and consume a lot of water and chemicals in the process. Find out why we chose bamboo and how we plan to process our bamboo in the future!

Benefits of Bamboo

Unlike traditional factories where we depend on trees, we use bamboo as you know. Bamboo has many advantages ! The special thing is that bamboo can be harvested several times a year without causing damage to nature. As a result, we use less water, fewer chemicals and have less impact on the environment. Sounds good, right?

Behind the Bamboo Pulp Process

Let's see how we can transform bamboo in Ghana into the sustainable material you see in our roles in the future.

  1. Harvesting the bamboo sticks: Bamboo farmers in Ghana harvest the bamboo. At the farm, the bamboo is cut into pieces and our teams collect the cut material for further processing in our new factory.

  2. Softening the bamboo: In the factory, the process of making bamboo pulp begins. We use enzymes and magnesium hydroxide, which are better for the environment than harmful chemicals. This not only increases the amount of pulp we get, but also helps nature.

  3. Processing the pulp: After this, the bamboo fibers are broken down to create a pulp that is suitable for our toilet paper. The remaining pulp is transformed into the rolls that make your bottom so soft!

Transforming the Paper Industry

For all these years, traditional paper mills have mainly used trees, which consumes a lot of energy and water. The good news is that the industry is changing. With our approach, we want to optimize sustainable agricultural practices. The fast growth and benefits of bamboo offer an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional paper production!

Roll with us!

At The Good Roll we want to inspire thousands of people. We don’t just want to be this change ourselves, we also want to encourage other paper mills worldwide to switch to sustainable production methods with bamboo. If we do this together, we can really change the world! How can you help us? Take a look at our investment page !

Keep rolling with us

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