The Good Shop
We have the perfect roll for you! Choose the toilet paper box that suits you. Discover all options now and shop your favorite!
Are you rolling with us?
Sit back & relax. Discover our story in just a few seconds, faster than your toilet visit!
You can also find our sustainable rolls here
We have already saved over 43,290 trees!
Every day, 1 million trees are cut down to make paper. Crazy, right? Trees are the lungs of our planet, so we do things differently. We roll with bamboo—the super plant that grows fast, absorbs tons of CO2, and releases oxygen. Plus, bamboo is naturally soft and strong, perfect for toilet paper. Together, we can protect the lungs of the planet and create a greener future. Let’s roll for the planet!

We built 233 toilets!
In Ghana, we have now installed 233 toilets for schools and communities. Clean toilets are a must for health and safety. Thanks to our efforts, thousands of people now have a safe, hygienic place to live, helping to prevent disease and improving their daily lives. But we’re not done yet—we’re continuing to build to change even more lives. Together, we can make a difference!

198,300 lives improved – and we’re not done yet!
It’s hard to believe but true: 2.3 billion people worldwide do not have access to safe and clean toilets. That’s one third of the world’s population! Without these basic facilities, diseases spread rapidly and health risks increase. For children, especially girls during their menstrual period, this often means they cannot safely go to school. We can’t let this happen. We believe that everyone has the right to hygiene, safety and a fair chance in life. That’s why we’re doing everything we can to tackle this problem and improve lives.

Toilet hall of fame
As proud of your rolls as we are? Join the club and share them with us on Facebook and Instagram, and s(h)itter here soon too!